We love learning together as it gives us all common topics to discuss and helps the kids act and play out what they learned that day. I regularly hear battles being reenacted, speeches being recited, and adventures being taken with multiple kids included and it does a momma's heart good to hear their love for learning being shared with siblings!
If you look back through previous years of my curriculum posts, you will notice that some favorites haven't changed but that in some areas we've really mixed things up. Beautiful Feet is still our favorite core curriculum and no matter which pack we've completed, we've enjoyed every moment of learning and been sad to see it end. My kids still think Teaching Textbooks is a computer game and I'm happy to allow them to remain under that impression. ;) We still love Simply Charlotte Mason's Resources for nature and science and their method for memorizing Scripture is solid and lasting.
Some new things we have tried this year are Science Shepherd's CD based Introduction to Science and A Year of Playing Skillfully. Both have added another exciting level of learning to our days.
Science Shepherd clearly and concisely presents science from a biblical perspective beginning at Creation and gives a brief survey through many scientific topics. We have learned a lot and everyone looks forward to this program, but we wish the sound was better on the disks and that the speaker was more engaging in his presentation.
A Year of Playing Skillfully has been everything The Homegrown Preschooler claimed it to be and MORE! I'm not a proponent of formal learning before age 6, but we LOVE to play in our home! While you can easily get overwhelmed by all the options each month, I use it as a idea springboard and pick 5-7 activities for the month. My Littles love the fun play and my Bigs always join in as well! The best part is that no one realizes they are learning but many important skills and concepts are being imparted as they all laugh and giggle together.
So without further delay, here are our 2017-2018 curriculum picks!
Group Learning:
- Bible Study -
- History, geography, literature, narration, and dictation
- Hymn Study - 101 Hymn Stories
- Science
- Foreign Language - Signing for Kids
- Christian Life Skills & Handicrafts - Contenders/Keepers of the Faith
- Composer Study & Artist Study - Various
Grant (age 10):
- Math - Teaching Textbooks 5
- Grammar - Easy Grammar book 5 & Daily Grams
- Bible - How to Study Your Bible for Kids & Independent Study
- Character
- Copywork - A Reason for Handwriting D
Morgan (age 8):
- Math - Teaching Textbooks 4
- Grammar - Easy Grammar book 3 & Daily Grams
- Bible - Concord Cunningham 1-5 & Independent Study
- Character
- Copywork - A Reason for Handwriting T

Paige (age 6):
- Math - Horizons & Teaching Textbooks 3
- The Basics
- Bible - Independent Reading
- History - Little Pilgrims in God's World
- Science - My Calendar Book
- Copywork - Draw-Write-Now book 1
- Delight Directed Learning
What are you using in your learning this year? What have been your new favorites?