Thursday, June 18, 2009

Car Trouble Anyone?

As I mentioned in my previous post, Tom was in a bad wreck not 2 days after our new baby was born and less than 1 week before we are supposed to move to Michigan. Now we have to go and buy a new car and deal with all the red tape of the insurance company. AHHHH! We already found a newer version of our car for a good price but we have to wait for the insurance to say whether or not our car is totaled. As you can see from the pictures, we are pretty sure that it is. We are so thankful that no one was hurt (especially Tom!) but could more things happen at once? I doubt it!


  1. I'm so sorry. That really stinks. We are going through the same thing with JM's car, although it is not totaled, it is barely drivable and the other insurance company hasn't come through yet. :-(

    Praying that it all works out!!

  2. Hope the insurance comes through for you.

  3. YIKES! Praying there isn't too much red tape and that the insurance company "gets with it" in a timely manner.
