Saturday, January 29, 2011

Family Schedule: Part Two

So in Part One, I talked about what my week looks like in just a quick overview form. I'm really hoping that by getting all these habits started now, by the time a third child enters our home in June it will feel like old hat. My other goal while doing all of these things is to declutter each area as I go.

I read a statistic the other day that said ~ cleaning a house that is cluttered and messy takes 40% longer to clean than an organized house!

That means if I usually spend an hour cleaning everyday, that if my house is cluttered with papers, junk I'm not using, and toys that aren't being played with, I'm spending an extra 24 minutes a day wasting my time!! I don't know about you, but I know a TON of things I could do in 24 minutes - FUN THINGS!!

My other reason for really wanting to get organized is that it's just nice to have a peaceful and welcoming home. I've always wanted to have a home where I could open my door and welcome in anyone at anytime and I'm almost there. We've be able to bless many other people with things we don't need anymore and it's just freeing to have a home for everything. Not to brag but the new kitchen island I got for Christmas has three lighters in it for candles and is TOTALLY empty other than that. I'm wondering if I can put non-kitchen items in there, you know, like off season clothes and underwear, hehe.

I'm not sure if I'm doing this stuff right, but I would love to hear what you do as I share all next week about what each day looks like. If you have suggestions, ideas, cleaning cheats, or things that didn't work I would love for you to share!

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