Monday, April 27, 2009

Crafty Creations!

So I am going crazy wanting to nest and since everything is in boxes and miles away in storage, I have nothing to work on for the baby. At this point during my first pregnancy the nursery had been decorated for weeks, if not months. Everything had been washed, folded, put in it's home, taken out, looked at, refolded, and placed in a new home countless times, furniture had been moved, numerous books and magazines had been read, and hours had been spent cleaning out the house to prepare for Grant's arrival. This time, I have gone to storage once, opened a small box marked "baby clothes", taken out about 5 outfits and 3 burp pads that I could find (of course everything else was buried), drove home, and washed the outfits. Hmmmm, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

In an attempt to stay sane and save money, I have been working on a diaper bag and some accessories for our new baby boy! So far I've made the diaper bag, nursing cover, baby sling, some bibs, a burp pad, wipe holder and changing pad. I also made my own burp pads, and blanket using left over fabric and just designed these myself. Obviously, many places make/sell similar things but I couldn't imagine spending close to $225.00 for the items that I needed/wanted when I had found a fabric that I loved and could make it all for less than $35!!! I love this fabric, it is blue and brown, so just perfect for a little boy, but just has enough of a femine touch for the mom that loves girly girl things!

Again, I am really hoping that once I get my craft area set up in the basement at the new house that I can start making more things that the family needs and maybe some things that people will want to buy. I have made things for friends as gifts and some people have even paid me to make things that they wanted but didn't have the skills or creativity to make. I think that God gives us talents and that we should use them even if it is just to bless our own family, but it would be wonderful to make a small income off of something God has blessed me with.


  1. Wow, you are so talented! That is awesome. You can have your own Etsy shop eventually. I used to sew... I wonder if I could still remember how...

  2. So cute, Lex!! You could definitely make some $$$.
